Tracfone Payment by Verizon = $15 Talk, Text & Data Plan - Smartphone Only 500 MINS, 500 TXT, 500 MB DATA 30-Day Plan

Regular price $15.00

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Talk, Text & Data Plan - Smartphone Only

30-Day Plan

500 MINS, 500 TXT, 500 MB DATA

200 Minutes of Talk
500 Text Messages
500 MB Data
Use with Smartphone
Unlimited Carryover: Unused minutes, text and data will not expire as long as the service is active and in use within any six month period
Q&A = Call / Text - Michael  702.878.7900  Monday to Saturday 11 to 6 pm
And No Service Fee with walk in store....For Payment, we need
(1) Your Cell Number,  (2) Your Carrier,  (3) Payment Amount...